Takeaways from Sydney MeasureCamp — Unconference for Analytics and DataScience

I attended the Sydney MeasureCamp conference today (20th october 2018). This conference took place in Google Sydney office. It was a great experience and here are my takeaways from this camp.

What is MeasureCamp ?
MeasureCamp is an open, free-to-attend unconference, different to any other digital analytics conference. A conference where everyone is welcome and indeed encouraged to contribute a session, where sessions may be presentations or discussions or workshops or even game shows.
Learn more about MeasureCamp here — https://measurecamp.org/
There were a lot of interesting talks on analytics and datascience that we could choose from. Here are my top picks from the talks that I attended.
The art of comparision in Data Science
This was a great talk by Milly KC from Finder. Milly talks about various Machine learning techniques and how choosing the right model can boost up the accuracy. Mily talks specifically about clustering algorithm and how she evaluated model other than traditional k-means clustering. She said we should try different models for a particular problem and we should not limit ourself to the available models in frame works. Milly inspires us to get creative and experimental with data science models.

I also had a great post-talk chat with Milly on my future plans on doing Master’s in Data Science. It was great fun.
R is for Research, Python is for Products ?
This was another great talk by Balkan Misirli. Balkan uses a unconvientional style for the talk. He opens up the talk to attendees for an interactive discussion on what technologies are being used in different organisation. We had a great discussion on-
- Background of Python and R.
- Comparatives advantages of Python and R.
- What do production systems use ?
- How does AWS compare with Google Cloud Platform ?
- Comparing Jupyter Notebook with Apache Zepplin ?
- Advantages of SQL.

Building a Data culture at Atlassian
This was another great talk by Rohan Dhupelia, from Atlassian, on Atlassian’s Data journey. Rohan mentions how hard is to build data products without building the data culture in the organisation first. Rohan walks us through Atlassian’s tech-stack and the Data Platform that serve Atlassian’s employees internally.

How to write beautiful SQL
This was a talk by Sensei Adilson where he talks about the importance of proper SQL. Sensei talks about how SQL should be made more readeble and easy to review. Sensei mentions few SQL optimization tricks and few neat SQL syntax that make the query much more readable and beautiful. Sensei warns us on how easily a Data Lake could turn into a Data Swamp without proper Data regulation and Audit.

Food and Networking
We had awesome food and awesome networking opportunities at the event. Huge cheers to all the sponsors.

Ofcourse there was Swag.

Lots of thanks to the MeasureCamp team. This was my first MeasureCamp and I am a Big Fan now. Keep up the great work.
That’s all for this post, hope it was helpful. Cheers!
Originally published at confusedcoders.com on October 20, 2018.