Query S3 data via Hive on local box

Nikita sharma
1 min readDec 28, 2018


Photo by Jez Timms on Unsplash

In the last post we discussed about how to generate synthetic data. Here we will talk about how to query S3 data via Hive.

Provide AWS configuration to Hadoop and Hive

We need to add the following configuration to the Hadoop and Hive config files.


You can find hive-site.xml in HIVE_HOME.

You can find all this file in HADOOP_HOME.




Add Hadoop Env variable

Run Hive

First we will run hive on local system via console.

$ source ~/.profile
$ hstart
$ hive

while running Hive, make sure Hadoop is running in the background.

Create Hive Table

Here we will create table using data stored in S3 bucket.

Originally published at confusedcoders.com on December 28, 2018.

